
  1. Philosophie
  2. Major Capital Project Experience
  3. International Projects
  4. Engineering Services
  5. Basic engineering
  6. Detail engineering
  7. Hand Over Documentation
  8. Document Management
  9. Plant Security
  10. Software
  11. Key areas of KSP Services

1. Philosophie

2. Major Capital Project Experience

3. International Projects

4. Engineering Services

5. Basic engineering

6. Detail Engineering

7. Hand Over Documentation

8. Document Management

9. Plant Security

/ Plant Security

The focus of plant safety is avoiding harmful effects in process plants, on people, the environment and property.
At the same time, it is an essential pre-condition to achieve production targets in terms of quality, time and product output. Plant safety is incorporated in the process concept and accompanied by supporting technical and organizational measures.
It is an individual and tailored process for each project application.
Impacting regulations to be considered amongst others are:

  • Federal Emission Control Act
  • Water Management Act
  • Waste Act
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Environmental Liability Act
  • Chemicals Act
  • Industrial Safety Ordinance
  • Accident Prevention Regulations
  • Pressure Vessel Ordinance, etc.

Plant safety is created by considering and responding to the following factors:

  • Suitable, integrated safety technology
  • Careful interpretation of the interfaces between material and technology
  • A continuous safety assessment of systems
  • Suitable organization and leadership
  • Careful selection and ongoing qualification of employees
  • Consideration of the interaction of the system with the surroundings and the environment
  • Compliance with laws, regulations and guidelines

10. Software

11. Key areas of KSP Services